Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

All religions seek answers to the perplexing questions about the origin of the universe and life. The human mind wants answers to these eternal questions: How, when and why were the universe and life created? Who did it and for what purpose, and where is it all headed?
The Sikh Gurus believed it is beyond the capacity of humans to understand how, when or why the universe was created. The Creator alone – who willed all that is into existence – knows the secret.
What part of the day, what hour was it, What date, what day? What season, what month was it When everything was created? If it is revealed in the Puranas, Pundits don’t know the secret; If it is written in the Quran, Kazis don’t have the time for it. Godmen don’t know the date, The day, the month or season. Only the Creator Who gave form to the universe – He alone knows.

Excerpted with permission from The Sacred Hymns of Guru Nanak, translated from the Punjabi by Nirmal Gill, Speaking Tiger Books.
